Rita Corbett

Rita grew up with her parents as missionaries in Africa, she lives in Canada with her husband Grant and daughter Chelsea and they have 5 Children.

Rita Corbett : Email for revival meetings - ritacorbett1234@gmail.com
Rita grew up with her parents as missionaries in Africa, she lives in Canada with her husband Grant and daughter Chelsea and they have 5 Children.
Rita’s passion is to share the happy and hope-filled message of “Christ in You".  Rita arranged the translation and distribution of the 10 days devotional on the baptism of the Holy Spirit in India in 2015, and thousands of small groups have begun praying for the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit to reflect the character of Jesus and for power to reach their communities with the Gospel , she has seen the rapid spread of the Holy Spirit Baptism message to individuals and church communities.
Through this message, God is recreating our hunger for prayer and bible study and pouring out His power on simple methods of outreach.